Past seminars

The LIR Group has run an annual seminar every year since 2000. Details of past seminars are listed below.
2000: Annual General Meeting 2000

Annual General Meeting 2000

Thursday February 24th, Room 4050A Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin.


  • 2:00 The Builder Project
    Ruth Jenkins, Birmingham University will talk about this eLib Hybrid Library Project
  • 2.45 The Institutes of Technology MIS project
    Ann Cleary, MIS Project
  • 3:30 Discussion, questions
  • 3:45 Tea / Coffee
  • 4:00 AGM, Election of new committee members
    Discussion on future of LIR
2001: From a Distance: Web based information management

From a Distance: Web based information management (followed by AGM)

Friday 27th April – Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland


  • 2:00 Welcome
  • 2.05 OpenLibr@ry: creating library service at a distance
    Nicky Whitsed – Director Open University Library
  • 2:40 Discussion
  • 3:00 The Liberated Librarian – facing change in academic libraries
    Dr. Judith Palmer – Keeper of Scientific Books – Radcliffe Science Library of Oxford.
  • 3:40 Discussion
  • 4:00 Coffee followed by AGM.
2002: Strategies for quality retrieval in the web environment

Strategies for quality retrieval in the web environment (followed by AGM)

Ussher Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin. Tuesday 26th March, 2002


2003: The Hybrid Library: Dream of Reality?

The Hybrid Library: Dream of Reality?

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. 14th February, 2003


  • 10:30 Coffee & Registration
  • 11:00 Chairperson’s Welcome: Overview of the Hybrid Library
  • 11:05 The Hybrid Library: Revolution or Evolution
    Miriam Corcoran, Sub-Librarian, Planning and Administration, Dublin City University.
  • 11:30 Managing Electronic Resources
    • Managing Management issues in the development of a hybrid library
      Sean Phillips, Librarian, Trinity College, Dublin
    • Hybrid or Hydra? – Managing E-Journals at Trinity College Dublin
      John Cremin, Periodicals Librarian, Trinity College Dublin
    • IRIS: Current State and Future Development
      Fiona McGoldrick, Manager IRIS Project
  • 12:30 Lunch.
  • 1:30 Virtual Learning Environments
    • Linking Digital Libraries with VLEs: The 4i Project at the University of Ulster library
      Clare Uhomoibhi, Systems Officer, Library, University of Ulster
    • Bodington: An Open Source Learning Environment
      Jon Maber, Learning Systems Development Officer, University of Leeds
  • 2:30 The Hybrid Library Building
    • To Build Anew: the University of Ulster Experience
      Elaine Urquhart, Assistant Director, Library, University of Ulster
    • The New Library Project at University College Cork
      Seamus McMahon, Deputy Librarian, University College Cork
  • 3:00 Coffee
  • 3.20 Staffing the Hybrid Library
    • Towards a New Culture in Staffing
      Dr. Alan MacDougall, Director of Information Services & Systems, Kings College London
  • 3:50 Discussion
  • 4:15 AGM
2004: Digital Library Directions: Current Initiatives

Digital Library Directions: Current Initiatives

Davis Theatre, Trinity College Dublin. Friday 26th March, 2004


2005: Digitally Challenged: Recent Trends in Academic Libraries
Digitally Challenged: Recent Trends in Academic Libraries

Mont Clare Hotel Dublin-Friday 25th February, 2005


  • 10:30 Coffee & Registration
  • 11:00 Chairperson’s Welcome
  • 11:05 Virtually Irrelevant: the digital library conundrum.
    Prof. Derek Law Librarian & Head of Information Resources Directorate.
  • 11:45 SPARC Europe
    Paul Sheehan, Director of Library Services, Dublin City University.
  • 12:15 Google Scholar
    Tony Eklof, Information Skills & European Documentation Centre Librarian. University College Dublin.
  • 12:35 Questions & Debate.
  • 12:45 Lunch (not provided).
  • 2:00 IReL e-resources
    John Fitzgerald, Librarian, University College Cork.
  • 2:45 Link Resolvers: Serials Solutions
    Aine Finucane, Acquisitions Librarian, University of Limerick.
  • 3:10 Link Resolvers: SFX
    Niall McSweeney, Sub Librarian, Information Services, NUI Galway
    Monica Crump, Sub Librarian, Bibliographic Services. NUI Galway.
  • 3:40 Questions, Comments, Close
  • 3:45 LIR AGM
2006: In cyberspace no one can hear you scream: managing electronic resources

In cyberspace no one can hear you scream: managing electronic resources

Joly Theatre, Hamilton Building, Trinity College Dublin – Tuesday 14th March 2006


  • 10:30 Coffee & Registration
  • 11:00 Welcome
  • 11:05 Sometimes a Scream is Better than a Thesis.
    Peter Brophy, Professor of Information Management and Director of the Centre for Research in Library and Information Management (CERLIM) at the Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • 11:50 Marshalling the Troops – Tools that Facilitate the Management of Electronic Resources
    Yvonne Desmond, Faculty Librarian and Brian Widdis, Assistant Librarian, DIT
  • 12:10 Needles in Haystacks: Metasearching and Management of Miscellaneous Material
    Ronan Kennedy, Electronic Resources Co-ordinator, NUI Galway.
  • 12:30 Questions & Debate
  • 12:45 Lunch (not provided)
  • 2:00 One Size Fits All? Metadata for a Multimedia Virtual Library and Archive
    John McDonough Project Manager IVRLA, University College Dublin.
  • 2:20 National Digital Learning Repository
    Sean O’Brien, Network Engineer, HEAnet.
  • 2:40 Revelations: the Introduction of Electronic Theses and Dissertations in TCD
    Niamh Brennan, Research Support System Administrator, Trinity College Dublin.
  • 3:00 Developing Digital Resources for Art and Design Teaching: the NCAD Digitization Project
    Dr. Marta Bustillo, Slide and New Media Librarian, National College of Art and Design, Dublin.
  • 3:20 Questions and debate followed by LIR AGM
2007: The Virtual User: Are You Being Served?

The Virtual User: Are You Being Served?

Organised by LIR HEAnet user group for libraries

School of Nursing and Midwifery
Trinity College Dublin
24 D’Olier Street, D2 (Map) : Thursday 29th March 2007

Draft Programme

  • 09.45 – 10.30 Coffee & Registration
  • 10.30 Welcome Remarks
  • 10.35 – 11.30 Responsive Service Delivery in the Digital Age.
    Ellen Breen, Sub-Librarian Information and Public Services, DCU.
  • 11.30 – 12.15 OJAX: A Web 2.0 search user interface
    Dr Judith Wusteman, UCD School of Information & Library Studies
  • 12.15 – 12.45 New LIR Web site
    Tony Murphy, Systems Librarian, Institute of Technology, Tralee.
  • 12.45 – 2.00 Lunch (not provided)
  • 2.00 – 2.40 NDLR and Communities of Practice
    Dr Philip Cohen, Head of Library Services, DIT.
  • 2.40 – 3.05 Podcasting and RSS Feeds
    Aine Meehan, Systems Librarian, Sligo Institute of Technology
  • 3.05 – 3.30 Learning to talk-UCD library’s Pilot Chat Service
    Cathal McCauley, Sub-Librarian Reader Services, UCD
  • 3:30 – 3.50 Questions and Discussion followed by LIR AGM
2008: Empowering Our Users

Empowering Our Users

Organised by LIR HEAnet user group for libraries

Liberty Hall, Dublin : Monday 14th April, 2008


2009: Annual Seminar

2009 Annual Seminar

YouTube video of David’s talk divided into 4 sections: Part1Part 2Part 3Part 4

2010 Annual Seminar

2010 Annual Seminar

Speaker Title
Ronán Kennedy, LIR Chairman  Seminar Opening
Nicky Whitsed, Director of Library Services, The Open University  The Future is mobile; A View from the OU Library,
Glenn Wearen, HEAnet Mobilising at the Campus Border
Liam Earney, JISC  When is an access management issue not an access management issue?
Deirdre Judge, IADT  RFID Tag Project at IADT
Peter Reilly, UL  23 Things @ UL: Navigating Learners through the Web 2.0 Universe
David Kane, WIT  SMS Integration With OPAC,
 Fiona McGoldrick & Rita Pinhasi, IRIS IReL Delivers: experiences of an Irish consortium,
 Niamh O’Sullivan, IBTS  Recessionista Research
Tony Eklof, UCD The European Library and other freesources
Aoife Lawton, HSE  Lenus – The Irish Health Repository
2011: E-Books: Caressing The Divine Details

25th of March, 2011 at the Davenport Hotel, Dublin.

The programme for the seminar was as follows.

2012: Collaboration in the cloud: Blue Skies or Grey?

2012 Annual Seminar

Collaboration in the cloud: Blue Skies or Grey?

March 30th, 2012; Liberty Hall, Dublin.

09:15 – 10:10 Coffee & registration
10:10 – 10:20 Seminar opening,  Brendan Devlin, Chair LIR group (slides video)
10:20 – 11:05 Knowledgebase+: Building a shared service to support the management of e-resources by UK academic libraries Liam Earney,  JISC (slides video)
11:05 – 11:35 IUA LMS project,  Peter Corrigan,  NUI Galway (slides video)
11:35 – 11:45 Questions & discussion (video)
11:45 – 12:00 Short interval
12.00 – 12:15 QR Codes: Engaging library users at NUI Maynooth,  Elaine Bean,  NUI Maynooth (slides video)
12:15 – 12:30 Mendeley: Warts and all,  Peter Reilly, University of Limerick (slides video)
12:30 – 12:45 The LIR website, which cloud?  Glenn Wearen, HEAnet (slides video)
12:45 – 13:00 Teachmeets:  What they are and why they are gaining popularity with librarians Alison Sharman, University of Huddersfield (slides video)
13:00 – 13:10 Questions & discussion (video)
13:10 – 14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00 – 14:30 Strategies for cloud mobility,  Eoin Kenny, HEAnet (slides video)
14:30 – 15:00 Is the future secure?,  Brian Honan, Cloud Security Alliance (slides video)
15:00 – 15:30 An arrow in the cloud: Outsourcing an IR, Yvonne Desmond, DIT (slides video)
15:30 – 15:40 Short interval
15:40 – 15:55 Delivering services to mobile constituents,  Peter McKiernan, UCD (slides video)
15:55 – 16:05 Questions & discussion (video)
16:10 Close followed by LIR AGM
2013: Publishing, Partnership and Innovation: the imperatives for the 21st Century Library

2013 Annual Seminar

Publishing, Partnership and Innovation:
the imperatives for the 21st Century Library

March 22nd 2013: Liberty Hall, Dublin


E-support for research
David Groenewegen (Monash University) and Martin Borchert (Queensland University of Technology)(video)
One card – Six libraries
Jamie Ward (Dundalk Institute of Technology) and Amanda Branigan (Louth County Library)(videoslides)
Gender, Sexuality & Feminism; Lessons in starting an Open Access Journal
Joseph Greene (University College Dublin)(videoslides)
A Libguides pilot at UCD Library: aims, plans and progress to date
Ros Pan (University College Dublin)(videoslidesslides on slideshare)
Internet Librarian International 2012: Re-imagine, Renew, Reboot: Innovating for Success
Marie Cullen – Bursary Presenter (NUI Maynooth)(videoslides)
Adventures in Augmented Reality
Peter Dudley, Siobhan Dunne, Paraic Elliot (Dublin City University Library)(video / slides)
On becoming an author
Helen Fallon (NUI Maynooth) and Anne Murphy (Tallaght Hospital Library)(slides)

Q&A Session Recording for the morning session

Sharing our practice: the Northants experience
Miggie Pickton (University of Northampton)(slides)
Community of Practice for Information Literacy Online Teaching
Nancy Graham (Birmingham University)(slides)
MyRI: the development and use of an RLO
Ellen Breen (Dublin City University) and Michael Ladisch (University College Dublin)(slides)

2014: Pride and Prejudice: the Challenges with Open Access and Open Source

2014 Annual Seminar

Pride and Prejudice: the Challenges with Open Access and Open Source

Friday, March 21st

Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery

D’Olier Street Dublin 2 (map and venue location)

Follow us on Twitter #LIRHEAnet

09:15 – 10:10 Registration
10:10 – 10:20 Seminar opening: Peter Reilly interim Chair LIR group
10:20 – 11:00 Morning Session Keynote: Niamh Brennan, TCD

“Open Access a European Perspective”

11:00 – 11:20 The Power of 3: CUA pools academic research (video)

Jim Foran, Institute Librarian IT Sligo and Meave Mc Cauley, Acting Institute Librarian LYIT.

11:20 – 11:30 Q&A
11:30 – 11:50 opensource@HEAnet (video)

Glenn Wearen, HEAnet

11:50 – 12:10 The NUI Maynooth Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive: Creating an Open Access Archive in Soundcloud   (video)

Helen Fallon, NUI Maynooth and Anne O’Brien, Kairos Communications

12:10 – 12:30 Portals in the context of open access  (video)

Yvonne Desmond, Dublin Institute of Technology

12:30 – 12:40 Q&A followed by lunch (provided)
13:45 – 14:25 How to buy free software (video)

Scott Wilson, OSSWatch, Oxford University.

14.25 – 14.45 Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway! (video)

Niamh Walker Headon, ITT Dublin : Institute of Technology Tallaght

14:45 – 15:00 Writing your own open source software  (video)

David Kane, Waterford Institute of Technology

15:00 – 15:10 Q&A
15:10  – 15:25

Hugh Murphy and Padraic Stack, NUI Maynooth

15:25 – 15:40 Open Educational Resources: Nuts and Bolts of Developing an Online Plagiarism Tutorial.  (video)

Jennifer Collery, University College Dublin

15:40 – 15:55 Lightning talks

Deirdre Judge  (slides) IADT / David Kane (slides) WIT  / Michael Ladisch, UCD (Slides)

15:55 – 16:00 Q & A
16:00 Seminar close followed by LIR AGM
2015: Uncharted Territory? What Next for Webscale Discovery

2015 Annual Seminar

Uncharted Territory? What Next for Webscale Discovery

Monday 30 March 2015
Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

9.30-10.10 Tea/coffee & Registration
10.10-10.15 Seminar Opening (video)
10.15-11.00 Transitioning a Vision to Reality: The Wales Higher Education Library Forum (WHELF) Shared Library Project
Gareth Owen & Mark Hughes, Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum(slides / video)
11.00-11.30 Creating Engaging Web Scale Library Discovery for a Google Generation.
Hilary Kenna, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology(slides / video)
11.30–11.40 Q&A (video)
11.40-12.00 Tea/coffee Break
12.00-12.10 Bursary Winner’s Report
Niamh Walker Headon, IT Tallaght(slides / video)
12.10-12.40 Discovery Tools – Walking the Tightrope between Complexity and Simplicity
Ronán Kennedy, NUI Galway(slides/video)
12.40-13.00 Making Sense of the Data Jumble – Trinity College Library Dublin’s Discovery Solution Experience.
Arlene Healy & Charles Montague, Trinity College Dublin(slides / video)
13.00-13.10 Q&A (video)
13.10-14.00 Lunch (tea/coffee and sandwiches provided)
14.00-14.40 Thinking the Unthinkable: A Library Without a Catalogue.
Dorinne Raaimakers, Utrecht University Library(slides / video)
14.40-15.00 Implementation and Impact of the Introduction of Summon at Maynooth University Library.
Valerie Payne & Laura Connaughton, Maynooth University(slides / video)
15.00-15.20 Library Resource Discovery Service – is Instructional Help Necessary?
James Molloy, University College Dublin(slides / video)
15.20-15.30 One Size Fits Small? A Few Thoughts on Web Discovery
Simon Perry, IT Carlow(slides / video)
15.30-15.40 Q&A  (video)
15.40 Seminar close followed by AGM
2016: Envisioning Future Library Innovation of Tech Services and Tech Spaces

2016 Annual Seminar

“Envisioning Future Library Innovation of Tech Services and Tech Spaces”

Thursday, November 24th 2016, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

09.30-10.10 Tea/coffee & Registration
10.10-10.15 Seminar opening
10.15-11.00 The re-invention of library spaces: the impact of technology
Karen Latimer, Queen’s University Belfastvideo
11.00-11.30 Security in the cloud
Brian Hickey, Dublin Business Schoolvideo
11.30-11.40 Q&A
11.40-12.00 Tea/coffee break
12.00-12.30 Study Space Hogging, towels on deckchairs syndrome
Alan Elkes, Telepenvideo
12.30-12.50 Reliability in the cloud
Anna Wilson, HEAnet Ltdvideo
12.50-13.00 Q&A
13.00-13.50 Lunch (Tea/coffee & sandwiches)
14.00-14.45 Designing Stockwell Street Library @University of Greenwich
Róisín Heneghan, Heneghan Peng Architectsvideo
14.45-15.00 The Challenge of Re-Imagining Contemporary Spaces in TCD Library
Peter Dudley, Trinity College Dublinvideo
15.00-15.20 The Maker Space in the Library at NUI Galway – What is it and how is it being used?
Connell Cunningham, NUI Galwayvideo
15.20-15.30 Q&A
15.30-15.40 Seminar closes, followed by LIR AGM – all welcome to attend
2017: Cultivating Libraries in a Post Digital Learning Ecosystem

2017 Annual Seminar

LIR Annual Seminar 2017 Friday November 24th

Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

Cultivating Libraries in a Post Digital Learning Ecosystem

Keynote SpeakersDavid White, University of the Arts London and Lee O’Farrell, UCD

Going beyond the algorithm: learning and libraries in a post digital age (video / slides)
David White, University of the Arts London
ICLA HE Licence and the Digital Content Store (video / slides Samantha Holman slides Meghan Mazella )
Samantha Holman ICLA & Meghan Mazella, CLA
LIR Bursary Award Winner’s Conference Report from Internet Librarian International 2017 (video / slides)
Niall O’Brien, UCD
Evolving technologies in online information literacy provision: the experience of developing the LIST Online project at Maynooth University Library. (video / slides)
Áine Carey, MU
Data: an invaluable tool, not a magic wand (video / slides)
Lee O’Farrell, UCD
Squaring the circle: implementing a Reading List Management System in NUI Galway (video / slides)
Hugo Kelly, NUI Galway
Koha – Tender Process and Implementation of a Library Management System at the Irish Institutes of Technology (video / slides)
Fionnuala Lambert, Educampus, Áine Meehan, IT Sligo & Maura Stephens, GMIT 
2018: Deciphering Data: Informing Decision-making, Transforming User Experience

2018 Annual Seminar

LIR Annual Seminar 2018 Friday December 5th

Grangegorman, DIT

Deciphering Data: Informing Decision-making, Transforming User Experience

Keynote Speakers: Cathal McCauley, Maynooth University, Jo Lambert, Jisc and Daniel Albertsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

What’s the Big Deal? Counting what counts (video / slides)
Cathal McCauley, Maynooth University
COUNTER – new possibilities with release 5 (video / slides)
Daniel Albertsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Netsearch (video / slides)
Dr Aidan Mooney, Maynooth University
Decoding the Data Maze (video / slides)
Rose Buttimer, University College Cork
JISC Library Analytics Services (video / slides)
 Jo Lambert, Jisc
Using data to fill an ‘ARC’ (video / slides)
Cora Gleeson, University of Limerick
Modelling Shelf Space from Catalogue Metadata (video / slides / GitHub)
Joe Nankivell, University College Dublin
Inside the work of the IReL Monitoring Group (video / slides)
Rose Buttimer, University College Cork, Aaron Binchy, Maynooth University
Data-informed collections management and GreenGlass in UCD Library (video / slides)
Catherine Ryan, University College Dublin
2019: Artificial Intelligence and Libraries

2019 Annual Seminar

LIR Annual Seminar 2019 Friday December 6th

CIT School of Music

Artificial Intelligence and Libraries

The intelligent library: Thought leaders’ views on the likely impact of Artificial Intelligence on academic libraries (slides)
Dr Andrew Cox, Information School, University of Sheffield
Deployment of an AI-powered Virtual Librarian in CIT Library
Adrian Vaughan CIT & Michael Costello, CIT
What role for information professionals in the age of AI? (slides)
Michael Upshall, UNSILO
AI and Machine Learning – their impact on research and knowledge (slides)
Dr Bernard Butler, TSSG
Searching for Meaning in Text: Natural Language Processing (slides)
Dr Tony Russell-Rose, UXLabs
The Mike Cooley Story: A Human-Centered Approach to the Curation of a Special Collection (slides)
Brenda O’Neill, WIT
2021: Shining a Light in the Post-Truth Era

2021 Online seminar series

April – June 2021

Shining a light in the post-truth era

To understand the digital revolution we need to escape from the current discourse about it, which is mostly “the sociology of the last five minutes” (to use Michael Mann’s famous phrase). This talk is about taking the long view of our current predicament. (recording)
Professor John Naughton
We live in an age of disinformation, where falsehoods and propaganda perpetuate further and faster than ever before. Critical thinking is perhaps our only shield against the dangers this poses to us, but it is not a widely understood concept. In this talk, we’ll explore how we go so badly wrong – and how we can protect ourselves from the ravages of a post-truth world. (recording)
Dr. David Robert Grimes
Beyond changing what we believe to be true, misinformation can distort our memories of the past. In this talk I will discuss research on the effect of misinformation on memories and beliefs, including studies that have demonstrated how fake news can lead to entirely false memories for events that never occurred. The talk will conclude with some evidence-based solutions to reduce susceptibility to misinformation. (recording)
Dr. Gillian Murphy
Figures, statistics, and increasingly “THE data” are often trotted out to support all manner of nonsensical falsehoods. And not just by deceptive crooks and grifters – even scientists and other experts frequently misuse statistics to make their points. In this talk, I’ll discuss my favorite ways that people fool themselves, and others, with data and statistics. (recording)
Dr. Darren Dahly
Ireland had always had very low levels of misinformation and false news, right up until Covid happened – and then suddenly it all changed overnight. In this talk I’ll trace how misinformation has exploded in Ireland during the pandemic, the types of false stories that are being shared, what factcheckers are doing to try to stop it, and ask if Ireland can go back to the way things were before or if misinformation is now something that we all have to live with. (recording)
Christine Bohan
In this seminar, Lord Puttnam will discuss his time as chair of the House of Lords Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies and the committee’s eventual report, ‘Digital Technology and the Resurrection of Trust’, published in June 2020. Digital media literacy was a key focus of this report, especially the ways in which a country’s education system could empower people to think critically about the information they consume online. Lord Puttnam will consider the role government has to play in equipping citizens with the skills they need to thrive in the digital world, but will also look at what private companies and social media companies could and should be doing to ensure they are fulfilling a duty of care to those that use their services. (recording)
Lord David Puttnam
Cultural heritage practitioners are simultaneously drawn to and horrified by the potential of AI, machine learning, and data science. With well documented private sector harms in hand and an aspiration toward justice in our work we are positioned to do good by our communities. In what follows I will introduce the concept of “responsible operations” and articulate actions that libraries may take to make positive use of AI, machine learning, and data science in libraries. (recording)
Thomas Padilla
2022: Don't Get Caught With Your Servers Down: Libraries and Cybersecurity

2022 Annual Seminar

LIR Annual Seminar 2022 30th November

O’Reilly Library, DCU Glasnevin Campus


Don’t get caught with your servers down

Tony Clarke, VP of IT Operations and Information Security at Marken
John Cox, University Librarian at the University of Galway

Ransomware Attack.  Impact and Lessons Learned: A Library Services Perspective

Gillian Kerins, Assistant Head of Library Services: Planning and Administration at TU Dublin

After The Attack: Overview of Security Measures Implemented After A Ransomware Attack

Alan Pike, IT Security Officer at TU Dublin

HSE Cyberattack: How SaaS Saved The Day @ HLI

Niamh Walker-Headon, Library Resources Manager for Digital Knowledge Services at Health Library Ireland

Cybersecurity in Education

Louise O’Sullivan, ICT Security Services Manager at HEAnet

Panel Discussion
2023: Horizon scanning: is there anybody there?

2023 Annual Seminar

LIR Annual Seminar 2023 1st December

St Laurences, Grangegorman Campus, TU Dublin


Horizon scanning: is there anybody there?

Open Scholarly Communication end-2-end: infrastructure and services

Natalia Manola, CEO at OpenAire

From Research Excellence to Impact

Susan Reilly, Director at IReL

Sonraí: Irish Data Stewardship Network

Aoife Coffey, Research Data Co-ordinator at UCC

Open Data Navigator

Sebastian Siglock, Head of Data and Insights at SWITCH

Ghosts of Library Catalogues Past, Present and Future

John Costello, Electronic Resources Librarian at University of Galway

Integrated Library Management System: An Exploratory Journey

Brendan Devlin, Assistant Head of Library Services at TU Dublin

Former LIR Chairs reflecting on 30 years of LIR

LIR 2023: Looking Back to the Future

Ronán Kennedy, University of Galway

Reeling in the Lirs

Brian Gillespie, formerly of TU Dublin

LIR 2023

David Kane, South East Technological University

A Chair is defined by the Committee

Peter Reilly, University of Limerick