PIDs for Academic Librarians

Tuesday, June 4th

3.00pm – 4.30pm, Via Zoom

Admission: Free


The LIR mission is to keep librarians, academic librarians in particular, informed about technologies that affect their practice.

PIDs, or Persistent Identifiers, are long-lasting, globally unique identifiers for people (researchers), places (research organisations), and things (research outputs and grants).

PIDs for Academic Libraries is a collaboration between the NORF National PID Strategy Working Group and the LIR Group.  With the launch of the National PID Roadmap, this session aims to further contextualise PIDs for academic librarians.  Broad themes will include:

  • An introduction to the National PID Roadmap
  • PIDs in the context of the National Open Access Monitor Project
  • PIDs in the context of the OSTrails Project 

Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

Compass sitting on old map

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The three speakers will talk for 20 minutes each – followed by questions and answers.  The session will take place over Zoom.  To register, click on the button above.

Aaron Binchy

Aaron Binchy

Interim Project Manager of the National Open Access Monitor Project


As Ireland embarks on the next phase of the NORF National Action Plan for Open Research, it is crucial to understand the current state of Open Access (OA) in the country. The National Open Access Monitor, Ireland, represents a significant step in this direction. It marks an advancement in understanding and promoting Open Access research and scholarly publishing within Ireland.  The National Open Access Monitor will be a dynamic and innovative platform designed to guide Ireland’s scholarly output towards 100% Open Access.  Currently in its pilot phase , the Monitor is accessible at

National Open Access Monitor Logo
Dr Lisa Griffith

Dr Lisa Griffith

Chair of NORF PID Strategy Working Group

As part of Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF), the PID Strategy Working Group is delivering a National PID Strategy and Roadmap for Ireland for the next 3-5 years. It includes national-level objectives, recommendations and actions for key stakeholder groups, an implementation plan, and associated targets or indicators for monitoring progress.  The review and analysis of the PID landscape will support the implementation of Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030, specifically in is action to “develop a national roadmap for the adoption of a range of Persistent Identifiers according to international best practice, such as ORCID, DOIs, RAiDs and ROR identifiers. Implement this roadmap to consolidate national coordination and accelerate the uptake and integration of priority identifiers.”


NORF logo
Frances Madden

Frances Madden

Assistant of Head of Library Services: Research Services, TU Dublin

This talk will provide an overview of the Horizon Europe funded OSTrails project, its Irish national pilot and the Argos data management planning tool. Argos allows researchers to create machine actionable DMPs and publish the DMP and its related datasets, increasing the FAIRness of those datasets.


Frances is Assistant Head of Library Services: Research Services at TU Dublin. She is also chair of TU-NET which is providing an Irish national pilot for the Horizon Europe funded OSTrails project.

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