Job vacancy at NUI Galway – Head of Collections

The post of Head of Collections has been advertised at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Details are available at:, with a closing date of April 8th 2021.This senior management position has responsibility for leading...

NORF- infrastructure webinar

Dear All,This will likely be of interest to some, see below.RegardsAoifeNORF Open Research in Ireland webinar: Infrastructures for Open Research, 30 March 2021As part of a webinar series on Open Research in Ireland, the National Open Research...

Job vacancies at RCSI

Dear ColleaguesApologies for cross-posting. Please circulate to anyone you think may be interested.ThanksKateVacancies RCSI1. Content and Metadata Management Librarian (Assistant Librarian grade, full-time, temporary, maternity leave). CLOSING DATE: March 3, 2021The...

LibPMC call for papers

Apologies for cross-postingThe 14th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries (LibPMC) will take place 2-4 November 2021, in an entirely online format. Submissions are now welcome on any aspect of performance measurement and assessment of...