by Quinlan, Fiona | Nov 5, 2021 | LIR-L
Fiona QuinlanCollections LibrarianJames Hardiman LibraryNational University of Ireland, GalwayThe Library is open for study - information on our services can be found here<>. Face coverings must be worn in the Library...
by Michelle Dalton | Nov 5, 2021 | LIR-L
*Apologies for cross posting*Dear colleaguesThe Library Association of Ireland's Open Scholarship Group<> is delighted toannounce a one-hour webinar on "*Opening up Education: What can...
by Aine Madden | Oct 26, 2021 | LIR-L
The deadline for the position of Project Manager, Research Data at the Digital Repository of Ireland has been extended until 9 November 2021. All applicants who applied by the original deadline will be reviewed after 9 November. Please find further details below.The...
by Joanna Finegan | Oct 21, 2021 | LIR-L
Hello Colleagues,To celebrate World Digital Preservation Day<> on 4th November the National Library is holding a morning event to connect the digital preservation community and mark the positive...
by Ciara.McCaffrey | Oct 21, 2021 | LIR-L
Apologies for cross posting.Reminder to register for the International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries (LibPMC)If you have not already registered for the conference then head over to:...
by Fintan Bracken | Oct 8, 2021 | LIR-L
[A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with low confidence]The LAI-CILIP Ireland Joint Annual Virtual Conference 2021 is taking place on 2 and 3 November this year and features keynote speakers Stephen...