Re: LIR Carpentry Workshop on Python

Hi,Just to notify that these places for tomorrow's workshop have now beentaken up.Best,LiamOn Wed, 9 Mar 2022 at 12:09, Liam O'Dwyer <> wrote:> Hello,> A couple of places have become available for our *Regular Expressions*> online...

LIR Carpentry Workshop on Python

Hello,A couple of places have become available for our *Regular Expressions*online workshop taking place tomorrow, *Thursday, March 10 @ 10am*.This is the last in our current run of Carpentry Workshops, more details onthe series are available...

Job Vacancies at UCC Library

Dear Colleagues,With apologies for cross-posting.UCC Library is currently operationalising our university-approved staffing plan and recruiting to a number of posts throughout the library service. The following posts are open for recruitment at present, with...