Re: Saothar, Issues 3, 5- 40

Hi all,These have now been claimed.All the best,PadraicPadraic de Staic | Leabharlannaí Sinserach, Digitiú | Leabharlanna Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath | Leabharlann agus Cartlann Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath, 139 - 144 Sráid An Phiarsaigh, Baile Átha Cliath 2, Éire | E....

Saothar, Issues 3, 5- 40

Hi folks,We have been offered a donation of Saothar, journal of the Irish Labour History Society issues 3 and 5 to 40.We have a full set already and don't require duplicates. Would anyone else be interested?All the best,PadraicPadraic de Staic | Leabharlannaí...