Academic Engagement Librarian vacancy at UCD Library

Dear colleaguesApplications are invited for a permanent post of Academic EngagementLibrarian within UCD Library - closing date 18th Dec. Academic Engagement...

HSLG Literature Search Peer Review Buddy Scheme

Hello all,Following on from a successful first round Literature Search Peer Review Buddy Scheme, the Health Sciences Libraries Group is pleased to announce the launch of a second round.If you’re interested to find out more about round 2, you can read the guidelines...

Carysfort College and Its Networks Launch Invitation

Dear Colleague,Please join us for the e-launch of an exciting new open-access digitalcollection and online exhibition:[image: carysfort invite_02_A5(1).jpg][image: carysfort invite part 2 on white_A5(3).jpg]This event will take place on Zoom, an online video platform,...

HINT Fiction Competition

Dear all,The Editors of HINT<>, the newsletter of the Health Sciences Libraries Group are pleased to announce that the Christmas Fiction Competition is now open. Entries must mention books, libraries or librarians, however briefly, and be no...